Interesting Times Continue



We’re gearing up for another season.  2020 was challenging, and that challenge is surely carrying over into 2021.  We are currently scheduled to begin cruses now on May 6, 2021 at 1:30 pm.  After months of phone calls, emails, and praying, we finally got our inspection date of May 5th.  Our original inspection date was in Mid-March, but was changed due to lack of qualified inspectors available.  Sandy, Megan and I really appreciate all of the passengers who expressed understanding as to why they have been cancelled and refunded due to this late inspection date.  We know that it changes their plans for their visit to Hannibal, MO.  I don’t know of anyone who wants the boat running more than we do.  Not everyone has expressed their understanding in a positive way.  Again, we apologize for the disappointment of the Mark Twain Riverboat not being available at this time.


On to exciting news!  This is our 25th Season as the owners of the Mark Twain.  We’re excited!!  Sandy and Megan are coming up with some fun celebration ideas for this season.  Please check in on us frequently to see the plans as they rollout.


Please stay safe and PRAY!


Capt. Steve


1 hour
Group Size
no limit

Sightseeing Tour

This one-hour sightseeing cruise travels along the mighty Mississippi River, allowing you to soak up the scenery at a relaxing, rhythmic pace. Listen as the captain guides your cruise with historical commentary on the history, legends, and sights of the Mississippi River.

A cruise aboard the Mark Twain Riverboat is great for family events. Whether you are a visitor or resident of Hannibal, you can make wonderful memories aboard our unique riverboat experience! Looking forward to having you onboard!

Departure time: Varies - check calendar
Yearly availability: April 1 - Nov. 4
Weekly availability: Daily

2 hours
Group Size
no limit

Dinner Cruise

Enjoy a night of dinner and dancing on this cruise on the Mighty Mississippi. Indulge in a delicious buffet and share a wonderful dinner with your family or friends, then enjoy live music from the dance floor or the deck.

Once on board, you are escorted to your table, then you are free to roam the boat until the captain announces that dinner is ready. After dinner, you are free to dance or sit back and enjoy the music. Live entertainment is included on our Dinner Cruises. It may be The Rivermen playing modern jazz (Saturday night from Memorial Day thru October), or you might get to enjoy the music of Tim Hart (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) and David Damm (Thursday and Friday). Listen or dance to their favorite tunes — and they have been known to take a request or two. And you never know when a crew member or two may step up on the stage and join in.

Departure time: 6:30 pm (5:30 pm in October)
Yearly availability: May 3 - Oct 28
Weekly availability: Varies - check calendar